Enzymes are protein chemicals, which carry a vital energy factor needed for every chemical action, and reaction that occurs in our body. There are approximately 1300 different enzymes found in the human cell. These enzymes can combine with coenzymes to form nearly 100,000 various chemicals that enable us to see, hear, feel, move, digest food, and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all the 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reactions of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor. Nutrition cannot be explained without describing the part that enzymes play.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are biologically active proteins found in all living cells. Metabolic enzymes catalyze and regulate every biochemical reaction that occurs within the human body, making them essential for cellular function and overall health. Digestive enzymes turn the food we eat into energy which may be utilized by the body for various biological processes. Our bodies naturally produce both digestive and metabolic enzymes, as they are needed.
How are enzymes utilized in the body?
Metabolic Enzymes are an essential component for optimal cellular function and health. These descriptions are not without merit. They speed up the chemical reactions within the cells for detoxification and energy production. They enable us to see, hear, feel, move, and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reaction of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor. Without these metabolic enzymes, cellular life would cease to exist.
Digestive Enzymes are secreted along the digestive tract to break food down into nutrients and waste. Most digestive enzymes are produced by the pancreas. The liver, gallbladder, small intestine, stomach, and colon also play pivotal roles in the production of these enzymes. Digestive enzymes allow the nutrients found in the foods we consume to be absorbed into the bloodstream and the waste to be discarded. Some human digestive enzymes include lipase, protease, amylase, ptyalin, pepsin, and trypsin.
Food Enzymes are introduced to the body through the raw foods we eat and through the consumption of supplemental enzyme products. Raw foods naturally contain enzymes, providing a source of digestive enzymes when ingested. However, raw food manifests only enough enzymes to digest that particular food. The cooking and processing of food destroy all of its enzymes. Since most of the foods we eat are cooked or processed in some way and because the raw foods we do eat contain only enough enzymes to process that particular food, our bodies must produce the majority of the digestive enzymes we require, unless we use supplemental enzymes to aid in the digestive process. A variety of supplemental enzymes are available through different sources. It is important to understand the differences between the enzyme types and make sure you are using an enzyme product most beneficial for your particular needs.
Why take digestive enzyme supplements?
Nearly one in three people in the U.S. experience some kind of digestive problem. Though many suffer, few have to. The typical benefits of enzyme supplementation include reduced digestive distress, increased energy, and improved regularity. Some of the benefits of enzyme supplementation include:
• Soothe digestive distress: When undigested foods travel through the intestines they can irritate and potentially damage the sensitive intestinal wall. Over time, this irritation may reduce our digestive capacity and negatively influence the vital absorption process.
• Increase Energy: According to Yuri Elkaim author of Eating for Energy, in most cases, up to 80% of our body’s vital energy is spent on digestion. By aiding the breakdown and absorption of foods, you can free up enormous amounts of energy, increasing physical vitality and enhancing energy levels.
• Promote Regularity: Promoting proper digestion may encourage a healthy intestinal environment, and help relieve occasional constipation and irregularity.
• Cleanse the digestive system, blood vessels, and tissues
• Nourish blood and cells
• Restore metabolic functions
What types of enzyme supplements are available?
Plant-based Enzymes are the most popular choice of supplemental enzymes. They are grown in a laboratory setting and extracted from certain types of fungus and probiotics. The enzymes harvested from aspergillus are called plant-based, or fungal. Of all the choices, plant-based enzymes are the most potent. This means they can break down more fat, protein, and carbohydrates than any other source.
Plant-based Enzymes consist of bromelain and papain. Bromelain is a proteolytic (breaks down protein) and milk-clotting enzyme derived from the pineapple stem. A concentrate of this enzyme has been known to promote a healthy inflammatory response, is used as a meat tenderizer, and is used in the chill-proofing of beer. Like pepsin and papain, bromelain has an optimal temperature higher than normal body temperature. There is always greater heat at the sight of inflammation than in any other part of the body. Papain is an enzyme derived from the latex of papaya. This enzyme becomes active in an environment of 6.0 - 8.0 pH and requires temperatures above normal human body temperature. Like bromelain, it too supports the body’s natural recovery from overexertion.
Glandular/Animal enzymes including: Chymotrypsin, pancreatin, pepsin, and trypsin are enzymes from the pancreas, stomach, and small intestine derived from animal glands and organs. These enzymes require an alkaline pH level of 8.0 to become active. ZenCleanz products are 100% plant-based, thus, enzymes derived from animals are not used in our formulations.
What types of supplemental enzymes are sold in stores?
Plant-based enzymes are the most popular enzymes found in natural food supplements. The four most common enzymes are Protease, Lipase, Amylase, and Cellulase. They represent about 80% of the market. They are sourced from aspergillus and grown in a laboratory setting on plants such as soy and barley. They are called plant-based, microbial, and fungal. Of all the choices, plant-based enzymes are the most active or potent. This means they contain the highest active units and can break down more fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the broadest pH range than any other source.
Plant-based enzymes are useful to develop and maintain a proper digestive system and to allow the body to produce more metabolic enzymes by reducing the need to produce digestive enzymes. They can also be used in varying formulas to treat certain ailments. The other types of enzymes mentioned next are better suited for specific treatment purposes rather than in enzyme maintenance programs. Aspergillus enzymes have a strong record of safe use in the food industry and are considered food by the FDA. These enzymes can be taken with meals to aid in the digestion of all foods or between meals to feed and fortify the body as a whole. Plant-based enzymes are not disposed of as if the body does not need them, rather they exit only after there is no more activity left to do their work. Since they are food that is natural to the body, and since they are the most potent, they are often preferred over other types. The following is a list of other types of enzymes commonly sold in most health food stores. Pancreatin is a substance from the pancreas of the hog or ox containing enzymes. Pancreatin contains proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down protein), amylase, and lipase. This enzyme has been studied extensively for its anti-inflammatory properties. Pancreatin has been used successfully in Germany for molecularly fortifying the pancreas. Since it is a glandular compound, it provides the same type of support a thyroid complex provides an individual's thyroid. Dr. Roy Dittinan suggests that pancreatic enzymes should not be taken during pregnancy or when using blood thinners. Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme usually prepared from the stomach of pigs and is the principal digestive component of gastric juice. It is usually given to those whose digestion of protein is impaired. However, pepsin is only activated at a temperature higher than normal body temperature.
Bromelain is a group of proteolytic and milk-clotting enzymes derived from the pineapple stem. A concentrate of this enzyme can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent, a meat tenderizer, and in the chill-proofing of beer. Like pepsin, bromelain is only activated at a temperature higher than normal body temperature.
Papain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from the latex of papaya. This enzyme becomes active in an environment of 6.0 - 8.0 pH and required temperatures above normal human body temperature. For this reason, Papain and Bromelain are often used to reduce inflammation since the temperature at points of inflammation is always higher than the rest of the body.
Chymotrypsin is a proteolytic enzyme taken from the pancreas of ox and pigs. This enzyme requires a pH level of 8.0 to become active.
Trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme formed in the intestine and can be taken from the intestine or pancreas of an animal. Trypsin breaks down arginine or lysine and works only in an alkaline setting. Today, it is often coated so that it can make it to the 8.0 pH occurring in the small intestine. It is commonly used to fortify the pancreas and the small intestine.
What enzymes should I take for proper digestion?
Protease breaks down protein, amylase breaks down carbohydrates and starch, and lipase breaks down fat. These three enzymes break down the majority of the common food groups. Other enzymes include lactase (breaks down lactose-dairy), maltase & sucrase (breaks down food sugars), and cellulase (breaks down cellulose).
What side effects should I expect from the use of supplement?
Enzymes typically have positive effects such as increased energy and relief from digestive complaints. Few negative effects are reported. A very small percentage of people have reported upset stomach and soft stool (more frequent and softer bowel movements) when first beginning to take a high-potency digestive enzyme supplement. As with any adverse effect, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner.
How quickly will I feel the results with the use of enzyme supplementation?
Some individuals insist that the effects of digestive enzymes can be felt more quickly than other nutritional products. The typical experience allows the consumer to make an educated decision on the continuing use of a particular product within just a few days to a few weeks because of the speed of results with enzymes.
Does raw food or juicing in our diet guarantee enough enzymes?
Raw food provides only enough enzymes to digest that particular food. There are no extra enzymes in raw food to digest cooked or processed food. Although a raw diet may appear to be the best solution, it is generally not practical, and in most cases, not medically advisable. Due to the risk of bacterial contamination, many foods should not be eaten raw, including meats, poultry, eggs, and beans. Many people find the fiber content in large quantities of raw food difficult to digest.
Why is enzyme supplementation important?
Most people will choose cooked foods over raw foods. Gas-ripened and irradiated foods have no enzyme activity because of this processing. Our body makes our metabolic enzymes from the complete amino acid food we ingest. We usually cook our animal products, robbing them of their enzymes. As we age, our bodies' ability to produce enzymes decreases. Raw nuts contain an enzyme inhibitor (as do most beans). Grains and flour are processed, robbing them of their enzymes. Enzyme supplements provided support for more complete digestion and nutrient absorption.
What about supplements such as CoQ10, blue green algae?
C0Q10 is a coenzyme and was first isolated from a cow's heart. A coenzyme is an organic molecule, usually containing phosphorus and some vitamins. A coenzyme and an apo-enzyme must unite to function. Vitamins and minerals are considered coenzymes. A coenzyme is dependent on another energy and an enzyme to work. Blue Green Algae and chlorophyll products are wonderful foods that contain minerals, vitamins, and enzymes because they are plant foods. However, they do not have the digestive action of supplemental plant-based enzymes and at best, their enzymes will only deliver the nutrients they contain. Hydrochloric acid, or HCL, is a normal constituent of gastric juice in human beings. Although administered to aid digestion, it is not an enzyme nor does it act as an enzyme.
How do enzymes work in our bodies?
When we eat raw foods, heat and moisture in the mouth activate the enzymes in the food. Once active, these enzymes digest food and make it small enough to pass through the villi (small pores of the intestines) and into the blood. The metabolic enzymes found in the blood then take the digested 45 known nutrients and build them into muscles, nerves, bones, blood, lungs, and various glands. Every cell in the body depends on certain enzymes. A protein digestive enzyme will not digest a fat; a fat enzyme will not digest a starch (carbohydrate). Each enzyme has a specific function in the body; this is referred to as enzyme specificity. Enzymes act upon chemicals and change them into other chemicals, but enzymes themselves remain unchanged. Simply stated, our chemicals are changed from their original identity by the enzyme to other chemicals with a different identity. Without enzymes, nothing in our body would work.
How do I choose the correct enzyme supplement?
First, begin with a digestive enzyme. Digestion is the foundation of health. The better we digest our foods, the more nutrients we have the possibility of assimilating safely and easily while improving the removal of waste. Second consider a therapeutic (enzyme taken on an empty stomach, usually between meals).
Is it possible to take too many enzymes?
Supplemental enzymes perform very specific activities (amylase breaks down carbohydrates, lipase breaks down fats, and protease breaks down protein). Unlike certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs, there is no upper limit (or threshold) to the number of supplemental enzymes that can be consumed. The reason for this is that the body has an estimated 100 trillion cells. Any one of those cells could be using thousands of different enzymes every second. This allows for huge quantities to be used by the body without overdosing.
Do supplemental enzymes stop the body from producing?
Supplemental enzymes support the body’s organ functions without replacing its effective working ability. We like to compare it to a raw food diet that is rich in enzymes. No one suggests eating raw food would inhibit the body’s natural production of digestive enzymes. The fact is the body will continue to manufacture the enzymes needed to benefit from food; supplemental digestive enzymes simply aid the digestive process.
Are enzyme supplements safe to consume with prescriptions?
We believe our supplemental enzymes, as they are naturally occurring in nature, are among the safest nutritional supplements available. With a lack of conclusive scientific evidence, we recommend consulting a physician before combining or replacing prescription drugs with supplemental enzyme products.
Are these products safe for everyone?
ZenCleanz has formulated products specifically for children ages 3 and up, and adults. Children do well with the Ambrosia liquid blend, at a dose of 1ml per kg of body weight, and with Quantum Particles. Please see individual products and our detox support group for other products and specific age suggestions for children cleansing. Pregnant and lactating should wait until after pregnancy and lactation to do the cleanse kits, though they do well with the liquid enzymes, powders, and tablets, with the exception of Mycelia. Mycelia is a powerful blood cleanser and pregnant and lactating women should wait till after pregnancy and lactation to consume Mycelia.
Why are Plant-based Enzymes considered “The ideal” enzymes?
Approximately 80% of the enzyme supplements sold in health food stores today are plant-based. The other 20% is made up of glandular/animal-based (such as pancreatin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin), and plant (bromelain and papain). It is important to understand that the assays used to measure the activities of each of these ingredients are different. Do not try to compare the active units (the measurement used to determine how much protein, fat, or carbohydrates an enzyme can break down in a matter of minutes) of a plant or glandular enzyme with a plant-based enzyme. Specific assays are designed to test for different sources of enzymes.
What should I look for when reading labels?
Avoid fillers such as magnesium stearate, apple pectin, and rice starch. Looking at the label of a high-quality enzyme product, you will find measurement units you may not be familiar with. With most supplements, we are used to comparing products based on weight. However, with enzymes, we are interested in the activity and potency available. It is important to recognize that there is no direct relationship between weight and enzyme activity.
Typical units of measurement include testing methods established by the Food Chemical Codex (FCC). The FCC is published by the National Academy Press and is the accepted standard of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The system for determining enzyme potency used by the American food industry is derived from the FCC. This is the only National Standard for the evaluation of plant-based enzymes. This system establishes activity levels and potency for enzymes. Where FCC testing methods do not apply, validated industry-based assays are used for laboratory analysis.
Industry Standards for evaluation of plant-based enzymes?
When comparing enzyme products make sure enzyme activities are measured using units such as these
- Alpha-Galactosidase - GALU (Galactosidase Units)
- Amylase - DU (Dextrinizing Units)
- Bromelain - GDU (Gelatin Digesting Units) or FCCPU
- Catalase - Baker Units (Named after the Author)
- Cellulase - CU (Cellulase Unit)
- Glucoamylase - AGU (Amyloglucosidase Units
- Hemicellulase - HCU (Hemicellulase Units)
- Invertase - INVU (Invertase Activity Unit) or SU (Sumner Units)
- Lactase - ALU (Acid Lactase Unit)
- Lipase - FCCFIP (Federation Internationale Pharmceutique)
- Maltase - DP (Degrees of Diastatic Power)
- Nattokinase - FU (Fibrinolytic Units)
- Pectinase - Endo-PGU (Endo-Polygalacturonase units)
- Phytase - FTU (Phytase Units)
- Protease-HUT (Hemoglobin
- Unit on a L-Tyrosine basis) Xylanase - XU (Xylanase Units)
Are the products organic (or certified organic)?
We take great pride in producing safe and effective high-quality supplemental enzyme products. Our enzymes come from organic sources that have not come into contact with any pesticides or preservatives, however, they are not considered “certified organic.”
Are supplemental enzymes destroyed by stomach acid?
Plant-based enzymes tolerate a wide pH range (alkaline/acidic-2-12) and can go through the stomach acid well. As ZenCleanz digestive enzymes are plant-based, they survive stomach acid well.
I’m trying to body build and I was wondering if enzymes?
If muscle tissue enzymes were not working in the muscle tissue, there would be no muscular growth, not even the basic muscular activity to create growth. Enzymes are the catalysts that turn food into energy to make the muscles move and grow. Enzyme supplementation is very helpful for body building.
How do I use the pH strips?
One of the best ways to determine pH is to tear off 1 to 1.5 inches of pH paper and hold or dip it in the urine stream. Results are immediate once the strip is wet. Compare the strip to the closest color on the graph. The optimal pH is between 6.5 and 7.
My child is autistic, and encounters multiple food intolerances?
First, we recommend researching other parents' similar results through the website www.enzymestuff.com and the book “Enzymes for Autism” by Karen DeFelice. Product recommendations begin with the “low and slow” dosing method. Slowly building a child’s tolerance to enzymes, and increasing potency, is recommended.
Can I take Candidase and a probiotic?
Yes, probiotics manufacture enzymes for the body. Proteolytic enzymes (the protease in Candidase) will only hydrolyze the 3 D's (Dead, Damaged, or Does not belong). Thus, they will not interfere with the colonization of probiotics.
Are enzymes good for Celiac?
Our blends can help individuals with gluten intolerance. Our products were never intended to “cure” celiac or any other known disease. ZenCleanz products are rated non-allergenic by authorities though, so are safe for those with Celiac and many other allergenic conditions.
Can enzymes be used for healthy weight management?
Lipase is the enzyme that breaks down (digests) fat. When added to your meal as a supplement it can do this in the digestive tract. This takes stress off the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. When taken between meals, they can be of great support systemically and in some cases stored in the liver for later use. Many overweight people have metabolism imbalances or will soon create an imbalance. The endocrine system is our metabolism. Once we can fortify the endocrine system, get the bowels working regularly, and digest our food rather than turning it into fat, we have a successful combination for healthy weight management. This process is not instantaneous, because we have to lose fat instead of weight. A person has to lose a great deal of fat to equal one pound of weight. It takes longer, but it is a healthier process and lasts longer. Best of all, they do no harm to themselves.
What is the theory of “Enzyme Potential”?
Dr. Edward Howell began researching what he called the "Enzyme Potential" in the 1940s. Since then, there has been a great deal of support for this concept. Most people require 3 to 10 days to break down, assimilate and excrete the waste of any given meal. Thus, our body is in a constant state of digestion. To preserve our body’s potential, we need to reduce this amount. One of the easiest ways to do this is to limit the number of digestive enzymes that our body needs to break these meals down. By making fewer digestive enzymes we will ultimately make more metabolic enzymes in our lifetime. Keep in mind it is these metabolic enzymes that are the catalysts to every biochemical reaction in our bodies. These are the energy of life.
We all make Digestive and Metabolic enzymes as needed, and it is a proven fact that as we age, we make less with each passing year. This ability to make only a limited number of enzymes has been called our enzyme potential. An individual's potential is dependent on their DNA or what they inherit from their parents. Some people have great potential. This is exhibited by the quality of their health despite their lifestyle choices. They can essentially eat whatever they want, drink whatever they want, rarely exercise, have high-pressure jobs, etc. Despite this, they live long, happy, healthy lives with little illness.
The first option is to eat more raw food. Within all raw foods, there are food enzymes. These enzymes become digestive enzymes when we eat these foods. By eating foods that have not been cooked, processed, irradiated, or heated above 118 degrees, we are extending our potential. (All of the above-mentioned processes denature enzymes and the raw food does not have the same effect on the digestive system.) The second choice is to reduce the number of calories we consume. Dr. Roy Walford from UCLA pioneered this concept. By eating less, we are ultimately preserving vital energy (making fewer digestive enzymes) and again, extending our potential.
On the opposite side of the spectrum are people that are essentially born sick. These people have to be careful about every aspect of their lives. To deviate will only bring grief. The difference between these two types of individuals is their enzyme potential.
Most of us fall somewhere in the middle of these two groups. We should be conscientious about the choices we make. If we fail to be, eventually it will catch up to us and we will pay for it with immune compromise, fatigue, brain fog, and sickness. There are three ways to preserve this potential, and they are all based on reducing the amount of energy that we spend on digestion. By some estimates, we spend up to 80% of all of the energy we have at our disposal digesting our food. This makes sense since, the third choice is perhaps the most obvious: taking a high-quality digestive enzyme supplement with every meal. The choice is yours!
Is ZenCleanz vegan?
ZenCleanz is a plant-based, fermented food enzyme product company. Lactase is contained in a few of our products, specifically to break down lactose accumulation in the body.
Why is there lactose in some of your products?
Most of us grew up eating and drinking dairy, yet over 85% of the population cannot produce the enzyme lactase needed to break down the lactose in dairy. Lactase is the only enzyme that can break down lactose. Most of us have undigested lactose accumulation in our bodies unless we have never consumed dairy in our life (including breastmilk). Lactose accumulation clogs our liver and other tissues and is the hidden cause of many health imbalances. When lactose from dairy is fermented, it transforms into lactase, providing the specific enzyme that can break down lactose in the body. For this reason, lactase is included in several ZenCleanz products to help the body break down unhealthy lactose accumulation. The method we used originally, used the lactose sourced from dairy. This changed recently, and now we use the lactase produced from microbial fermentation, which omits the need to use dairy sources. There is lactase in the Hygieia liquid enzyme blend, which is the liquid enzyme included in the FORGIVE Liver-Gallbladder cleanse. The ONE intestinal cleanse contains lactitol. The ONE cleanse requires drinking lots of thickening fiber drinks and this fiber needs to move faster than normal transit times. Lactitol is the best compound we know of to achieve that. ZenCleanz does not promote a specific diet or dogma. At this moment, we ferment 152 plants for 3 years following a traditional method developed originally by Daoist and Buddhist monks. Our mission is we are here to help people cleanse their body and nourish their cells.
Why is there added sugar?
There are whole-food sugars added to some of ZenCleanz’s products. There is no refined sugar in our products, we only use sparing amounts of whole food sugars from the pharmacopeia in our long-term fermented enzymes. Refined sugar lacks the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids contained in whole-food sugars. Refined sugar isolates the sugar properties in the plant, killing any of the live nutrients, to extend its shelf life. Without all the nutrients and water content of the cane plant, our bodies cannot fully assimilate this refined, crystalline sugar, nor can we eliminate all the metabolic waste from consuming this processed product. Consuming refined sugar makes the body overproduce acids in hopes of digesting and eliminating this processed product. The body’s pH balance is disturbed by consuming refined sugar, creating a dangerous acidic environment, which is the precursor to disease.
All ZenCleanz ingredients are carefully and purposefully chosen for maximum health benefit. There are several whole food sugars added sparingly to our blends to aid in fermentation and health properties, and to improve the taste. These whole-food sugars include cane sugar and sorbitol. Sorbitol is an extract from corn and is also found in some fruits and berries. The sorbitol contained in a few of our products aids in speeding up intestinal transit time. Cane or black sugar is made from the alkalizing and nutritious sugar cane plant. The black sugar is further broken down and made bioavailable by the fermentation process. Black sugar is added to many of the liquid enzyme blends in the later stage of the fermentation process, then fermented for one more year. Our three-year fermentation process breaks food down to 100% bioavailable nutrients, and all sugars are predigested. Even diabetics can consume these enzymes. ZenCleanz products are also rated non-allergen by authorities.
What ages can consume your products?
Our liquid enzyme blends, tablets, and powders are safe for ages 3 and up. Children age 8 and up can perform the cleanse kits. Although children age 8 and up can perform an intestinal or liver cleanse, it can be a lot for a child. We suggest children cleanse with liquid enzymes, tablets, and powders. The Ambrosia, Mycelia, and Inca liquid enzyme blends are great choices. Children also love the Quantum Particles digestive enzymes.
Can pregnant or lactating women take ZenCleanz enzymes?
We recommend our liquid enzyme blends, tablets, and powders during pregnancy to help feed both the mother and the child. All liquid enzyme blends are favored for pregnancy except Mycelia. We do not recommend the cleanse kits or Mycelia liquid enzymes during pregnancy. Reishi mushrooms are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women due to the lack of research regarding their safety during these periods. Reishi mushrooms have blood-thinning effects which could cause complications during childbirth; therefore, it is recommended to avoid Reishi for the risk of potential adverse effects. Lactating women can take the one-day cleanse kits including the ONE Intestinal and Colon cleanse, and the FORGIVE Liver-Gallbladder cleanse. Simply pump milk in advance for the day you take the cleanse kit and bottle feed the child. It’s best not to run the risk of processing toxicity into breastmilk, so pump and prepare beforehand.
It isn’t necessary to fast before doing the ONE intestinal cleanse. Eating lightly for many days before can help lower inflammation and boost the effectiveness of the cleanse. It is important to keep a liquid diet for a few days after the intestinal cleanse so that you eliminate plaque. If you begin eating right after the cleanse, your body stops the fasting process of “autolysis”, and moves into digestion mode. The body will eliminate plaque if you maintain a fasted state. You can drink more warm water and liquid enzymes, fresh, raw juices, herbal teas, and broths. As long as you consume liquid (not blended foods) you will eliminate the most plaque. Plaque is eliminated on day 2, and some eliminate plaque on day 3. Keeping a liquid diet for these few days ensures the most effective elimination of mucoid plaque. We suggest focusing on abdominal massage, stretching, and letting go emotionally. Please remember that the feeling of hunger is often a sense of emptiness, and an opportunity to explore feelings we often cover up with food and overeating. After you’ve eliminated plaque, you can begin eating lightly. We suggest beginning with fruit, soups, etc. It is important to focus on eating light and healthily to not shock your system. Remember, your body has gone through something extraordinary!
When performing the ONE intestinal kit, you won’t be hungry. The enzymes keep you quite full. For your additional days of keeping a liquid diet, you may wish to get additional ZenCleanz liquid enzymes. They’re an excellent source of nutritious calories, and those can be great days to experiment with liquid enzyme blends.
Intestinal cleansing responses can include:
Many symptoms of digestive disturbance can occur when cleansing our digestive system. Symptoms are a reflection of our body’s burden, but when cleansing, these symptoms are a reflection of the enzymes working on those burdens. It isn’t uncommon to experience bloating, gas, some nausea, or a headache. These symptoms pass quickly as the cleansing process progresses. When cleansing responses arise, focusing on our breath and our center is helpful. One can also use a heating pad, warm baths, and simply rest. Cleansing is a wonderful time to focus on self-care.
What is an intestinal colon cleanse?
ZenCleanz ONE Intestinal Colon Cleanse is a 1-day gastrointestinal cleansing kit/program that aids in digesting and breaking down mucoid plaque and passing it through your body effortlessly and painlessly. Gut health plays a critical and foundational role in overall health.
This intestinal and colon cleanse is made with all-natural ingredients, organic fruits, and vegetables. This one-day cleanse is designed to improve the digestive tract and will change your healing game. The ONE cleanse clears toxins from the intestinal walls, removing waste and reactivating peristaltic movement. This intestinal cleanse offers you the opportunity to re-program your digestive system and step into a fresher, healthier way of life. Enzymes are the digestive system’s best friend. So many health issues are linked to your gut, and this cleanse provides all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes you need for a natural detox.
Cleansing the body is not the endpoint, but rather the beginning of something new. It creates a wonderful foundation on which to build your health.
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are biologically active proteins found in all living cells. Metabolic enzymes catalyze and regulate every biochemical reaction that occurs within the human body, making them essential for cellular function and overall health. Digestive enzymes turn the food we eat into energy which may be utilized by the body for various biological processes. Our bodies naturally produce both digestive and metabolic enzymes, as they are needed.
Enzymes are protein chemicals, which carry a vital energy factor needed for every chemical action, and reaction that occurs in our body. There are approximately 1300 different enzymes found in the human cell. These enzymes can combine with coenzymes to form nearly 100,000 various chemicals that enable us to see, hear, feel, move, digest food, and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all the 100 trillion cells in our body depend upon the reactions of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor. Nutrition cannot be explained without describing the part that enzymes play.
What can I eat during my intestinal colon cleanse?
First, it’s important to know that no matter what you eat the day before you will have results, enzymes will still do their work, however we make suggestions to maximize the effect of the intestinal colon cleanse and to ease your cleansing day.
If you can minimize your food intake for 1 to 3 days prior to the cleanse you will feel more relaxed on the day. Try to avoid heavy proteins like meat, beans and nuts that require more work to digest. This way you will be sure that the precious enzymes you will ingest will be used strictly to address the mucoid plaque stuck in your digestive tract.
PLEASE NOTE: on the day of the cleanse, you will not ingest anything else but the content of the ZenCleanz ONE kit. Keep in mind that enzymes are made from nutritious ingredients and you most likely will not get hungry.
Can I drink water during my intestinal colon cleanse?
You’ll be drinking water all day during your cleanse, in between your drinks, and consuming enough water while drinking the drinks as well. Your body will stay hydrated, and you’ll crave a lot of water the next day also.
What comes out during an intestinal colon cleanse?
Understanding what has been released from your body during an intestinal colon cleanse is important, and can help you with moving into a healthier way of life. Essentially bowel movements (poop and mucoid plaque) will be released during the intestinal colon cleanse and after.
NOTE: it is important to keep a liquid diet for a few days after your intestinal cleanse in order to continue to release intestinal plaque. If you begin eating, your body will move into digestion mode and stop releasing plaque. When you begin releasing mucoid plaque depends completely on the pace of your own digestive system and whether any areas require some particular cleansing work. Some people begin releasing on the evening of the cleanse, most people on the next morning and others only in the many days later. In any case, don’t worry, it will come out. We recommend releasing all bowel movements into a colander placed in the toilet bowl. Using gloves, you can then spread and stretch out the mucoid plaque on a flat surface, taking note of differences in coloration and texture.
We have a guide in our user manual to help you understand your bowel movements.
What if nothing is released during my cleanse?
This would be highly unlikely nothing would come out after your cleanse. However, If you have not had any bowel movements after two days following cleanse, we recommend an enema of lukewarm water. This can be done at home.
Is this intestinal colon cleanse safe?
ZenCleanz produces safe and effective high-quality supplemental enzyme products. The enzymes come from organic sources that have not come into contact with any pesticides or preservatives. ZenCleanz has formulated products specifically for children ages 8 and up, and adults.
Organic Sources: No pesticides or preservatives, 100% Organic Plant-Based and No Colonics Needed.
3 Years Fermentation: Following natural and traditional methods. Modern Technology: Supported by Modern Technologies.
Certified ISO 22000 Highest Standards: Produced under the highest standards Certified HACCP, TÜV Rheinland. Plant-Based.
What does the intestinal colon cleanse taste like?
The taste can be hard to describe but the cleanse is made of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and seaweed. Normally people are happily surprised by the taste similar to apple, with hints of balsamic vinegar.
Can I smoke during the cleanse?
Smoking will not affect the intestinal colon cleanse but smoking does affect the adrenals that generate intoxication of the system.
It isn’t necessary to fast before doing the ONE intestinal cleanse. Eating lightly for many days before can help lower inflammation and boost the effectiveness of the cleanse. It is important to keep a liquid diet for a few days after the intestinal cleanse so that you eliminate plaque. If you begin eating right after the cleanse, your body stops the fasting process of “autolysis”, and moves into digestion mode. The body will eliminate plaque if you maintain a fasted state. You can drink more warm water and liquid enzymes, fresh, raw juices, herbal teas, and broths. As long as you consume liquid (not blended foods) you will eliminate the most plaque. Plaque is eliminated on day 2, and some eliminate plaque on day 3. Keeping a liquid diet for these few days ensures the most effective elimination of mucoid plaque. We suggest focusing on abdominal massage, stretching, and letting go emotionally. Please remember that the feeling of hunger is often a sense of emptiness, and an opportunity to explore feelings we often cover up with food and overeating. After you’ve eliminated plaque, you can begin eating lightly. We suggest beginning with fruit, soups, etc. It is important to focus on eating light and healthily to not shock your system. Remember, your body has gone through something extraordinary!
When performing the ONE intestinal kit, you won’t be hungry. The enzymes keep you quite full. For your additional days of keeping a liquid diet, you may wish to get additional ZenCleanz liquid enzymes. They’re an excellent source of nutritious calories, and those can be great days to experiment with liquid enzyme blends.
Intestinal cleansing responses can include:
Many symptoms of digestive disturbance can occur when cleansing our digestive system. Symptoms are a reflection of our body’s burden, but when cleansing, these symptoms are a reflection of the enzymes working on those burdens. It isn’t uncommon to experience bloating, gas, some nausea, or a headache. These symptoms pass quickly as the cleansing process progresses. When cleansing responses arise, focusing on our breath and our center is helpful. One can also use a heating pad, warm baths, and simply rest. Cleansing is a wonderful time to focus on self-care.
Why should I do a liver cleanse?
Cleansing the liver can be one of the most important steps taken to a well-functioning healthy lifestyle. The liver is a filter responsible for eliminating anything from within the body that doesn’t belong there.
The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver breaks down and processes this blood, creating nutrients, and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body (or that are nontoxic). More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. Some of the more well-known functions include the following:
• Production of bile, which helps carry waste away, and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion
• Production of certain proteins for blood plasma
• Production of cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
• Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back into to glucose for energy), and to balance and make glucose as needed
• Regulation of blood levels of amino acids, which form the building blocks of proteins
• Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances
• Regulating blood clotting
• Resisting infections by making immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream
• Clearance of bilirubin, also from red blood cells. If there is an accumulation of bilirubin, the skin and eyes turn yellow.
When the liver has broken down harmful substances, its byproducts are excreted into the bile or blood. Bile byproducts enter the intestine and leave the body in feces. Blood byproducts are filtered by the kidneys, and leave the body in the form of urine. Doing a 1-day liver cleanse can help eliminate matter from within the body that doesn’t belong there.
What is inside a FORGIVE liver cleansing kit?
This beautiful kit comes with everything you need in it to complete your cleanse. You will follow a program every hour. You will receive a QR code to scan and there you will receive instructions and guidance on how you do this cleanse. This liver cleanse has been designed by a consortium of Scientists, Traditional Chinese Medicine experts and Nutritionists.
What comes out during a liver cleanse?
No two releases are the same. Understanding what has been released from your body during and after a liver cleanse is important. It can help you with moving into a healthier way of life. We recommend that you collect your bowel movements into a sieve that you previously placed in the toilet bowl. What you will see most is a kind of greenish sandy matter. Most of what you see is fatty material mixed with the toxic matter that has been released from the liver, and you may notice bigger pieces as well. If you use a very hot shower jet over this it will reveal dark green pieces, which are gallstones. You may have a few or hundreds of them. The results of your liver flush will be seen towards the following afternoon. You can find more information here about what to expect during your liver cleanse. You can find more information here about what to expect during your liver cleanse.
PLEASE NOTE: the afternoon of your liver cleanse, you will have what seems like diarrhea but is not. This is a function of your bile ducts beginning to flush and is a very important part of your cleanse. It will stop after you take your liver flush drink.
Unlike other methods using Epsom salts, our liver flush doesn't come out like diarrhea but more as yellowish mud. Moreover, the toxic matter will not come out the next morning but more towards the afternoon.
Can I eat during the liver cleanse?
This cleanse protocol provides all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes you need for a natural detox. You will not feel hungry during the cleanse. The enzymes will absolutely fill you up and make you feel full throughout the cleansing protocol. The day after performing the FORGIVE kit, you can begin eating a few hours after your last enzyme sachet drink. Begin with fresh juice and/or fruit. Move slowly to heavier foods such as soup or salad. It is important to focus on eating light and healthily so to not shock your system. Remember, your body has gone through something extraordinary!